ARB Annual Report 2014

Foreword from the Chair and Interim Registrar and Chief Executive
Welcome to the 2014 Annual Review.
2014 was a busy but fulfilling year for ARB, with the organisation continuing to deliver its statutory functions whilst at the same time contributing to the government’s Periodic Review of the regulation of architects.
Work volumes continued to rise throughout 2014. The Register grew to over 35,000 architects by the end of 2014. This is the highest number of registrants since ARB was established by the Architects Act 1997. Significantly, first-time female admissions for 2014 represented 41% of the total. The element of our work concerned with prescribing (recognising) qualifications saw a rise in applications from new institutions and an increase in notifications of EU qualifications. Additionally, the professional standards department received nearly 160 formal complaints, the highest number since 2010.