Maintaining the qualifications of architects

Under the Architects Act 1997, ARB prescribes (or recognises) the qualifications required to become an architect for those who gain their qualifications within the UK. We also contribute to the scrutiny and review of those qualifications which are obtained in other European Economic Areas, and which seek to be listed at a European level. We therefore maintain systems for assessing qualifications against set criteria. These criteria are held in common with the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Quality Assurance Agency benchmark for architectural qualifications. The UK criteria also reflect the minimum requirements across the EEA. We work closely with many other organisations and member states to ensure that our systems are robust, fair and efficient and provide support to schools and institutions of architecture, whilst ensuring that as a regulatory body, we have confidence that prescribed qualifications meet the Board’s objectives and criteria.

Area of work

To have engaged with institutions, students and other stakeholders regarding the prescription process and Criteria to inform, to obtain feedback and to promote an understanding of ARB’s role with regard to qualifications, and to maintain a high quality service for institutions, students and EU Member States.

End of year assessment


  • We maintained a regular and constructive dialogue with all relevant external stakeholders to keep them up to date regarding ARB’s current and future work.
  • Team members spoke with various organisations about the Qualifications Directive and ARB’s planned review of routes to registration.
  • We also took sessions at all of those universities who requested a visit, and undertook a review of the student handbook.
  • The European Commission’s notification process was revised and re-opened in November 2014. Staff are making the details known to relevant schools of architecture and are adapting ARB’s processes for notifying new qualifications and title changes accordingly.

Area of work

On behalf of the UK and its capacity as the UK’s Competent Authority for Architects, scrutinise and review European qualifications which are notified to the European Commission for listing under the PQD.

End of year assessment


  • ARB reviewed and processed all European notifications it received within the required timeframes.
  • Staff worked closely with government departments to provide feedback to the European Commission.

Area of work

Continue work to explore the possibilities of developing a process to deal with prescription of UK qualifications offered at institutions based outside the UK/prescription of qualifications offered by overseas institutions (in conjunction with the review of routes to registration).

End of year assessment


  • Discussions with Government took place and the Prescription Committee considered advice about its remit.

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