Quality of and access to the Register

Area of work

Improve the accuracy of the Register by improving the timescales for updating information.

End of year assessment

Partially delivered against objective

  • Developed an online registration system allowing architects to update their own details online.
  • Resource pressures meant that only 62% of change of details requests were processed within 3 days.

Area of work

Promote further use of online registration forms. (Second year of three year project.)

End of year assessment

Partially delivered

  • An online ‘route finder’, videos and social media were used to encourage applicants to apply online.
  • 85% of all applications received online (target 90%).

Area of work

Provide an efficient and effective service to all enquirers.

End of year assessment

Objective delivered 

  • Feedback from users of our services was collected and resulted in improvements being made to our online resources.
  • Online chat facility was used 918 times.

Area of work

Scope a fundamental review of the routes to registration (First stage of project)

End of year assessment


  • A project scope and plan of work was developed and presented to the Board in November 2014.