Corporate functions
Area of work
Consider the implications, both legal and practical, of amendments to the Professional Qualifications Directive (PQD); prepare for changes to the European notification/listing process, the requirements for practical training experience and the ARB Criteria following revisions to the PQD.
End of year assessment
- A comprehensive project plan was prepared to review the relevant policies and processes which may be affected by the revised Directive.
- Discussions took place with government departments, The Architects Council of Europe and other competent authorities; stakeholders were kept informed.
- ARB is on track for the full implementation of the PQD by January 2016.
Area of work
Managing Risk
End of year assessment
- The Board was kept informed of risk via the Risk Register and periodic reports.
- An Internal audit plan was put in place and undertaken during 2014, resulting in a recommendation of substantial assurance.
- A monthly internal review of risks and accompanying controls & actions was undertaken by the Management Team, and the DCLG attends the Audit Committee meetings.
Area of work
Maintain adequate and appropriately skilled staffing levels that are utilised effectively.
End of year assessment
- Internal development was offered to staff to deal with vacancies.
- Stabilisation of staff numbers after an increase in staff turnover at the beginning of 2014.
- A staff engagement survey produced positive feedback.
Area of work
Engage fully with the Periodic Review and maintain Government confidence.
End of year assessment
- Staff and the Board prepared ARB’s submission to the DCLG’s Call for Evidence, and participated in a DCLG workshop review.
- Periodic Review information published on the website.
- Positive feedback from DCLG regarding our approach and engagement with the process.
Area of work
Efficient financial management.
End of year assessment
- Financial statements for year ending 31 December 2014 were produced on time and were signed off by the external auditors.
- An internal audit of our budget setting and management resulted in a recommendation of substantial assurance.
- The Board received regular updates on management accounts, and a budget briefing before agreeing the 2015 Business Plan.
Area of work
Enhance the information on trends in the Register, profession and students, and provide information which is sufficient for the Board to take informed decisions.
End of year assessment
- Board feedback on the format of operational information was sought, received, and actioned.
Area of work
End of year assessment
- All reviews and compliance measures required by law were delivered without issue.
- Staff Handbook was updated in line with relevant employment requirements.
- Business continuity planning was delivered and all IT systems tested.
Area of work
IT strategy.
End of year assessment
- Systems remain stable and an IT Healthcheck Internal Audit was undertaken.
- Feedback groups used to improve website.
- Online portal developed for the administration of investigations.
- Online change of address facility introduced.
Area of work
End of year assessment
- 10% annual increase in visitors to ARB website; visitors to the online Register up by 20%.
- Views of the 2013 Annual Report microsite up by 22%.
- A communications strategy and stakeholder engagement plan was developed and published online.
- A review of the website content was carried out to improve navigation and content.
Area of work
Finalise the secure external portal for key areas of ARB’s work. (Second year of project).
End of year assessment
Partially Delivered
- A portal for use by the Investigations Panel was developed and is undergoing testing for introduction in 2015.
Area of work
Explore and take up opportunities to work with stakeholders jointly to deliver ARB’s objectives.
End of year assessment
- Presentations were delivered to architects’ groups on matters of professional conduct and ARB’s work.
- A professional conduct protocol was agreed with RIBA to share information.
- ARB is now a member of regulatory and communications forums for similar organisations.
- Local Authorities were asked to include links to the ARB website, resulting in over 3,000 referrals.
- The HomeOwners Alliance, Trading Standards Institute and The Federation of Small Businesses published information about ARB.
Area of work
Review the effectiveness of the regulation of the title ‘architect’ as a consumer protection tool.
End of year assessment
- A review was undertaken as part of ARB’s submission to the Periodic Review.